Monday, August 30, 2010

My Name is...

My name is Christina. It is from the name Christiana and is the Latin feminine form of Christian. My parents chose the name Christina for me because it connects to the name of my dad's brother (Chris) and to the name of my mom's sister (Christy). My dad's brother, Chris, died of cancer a few years before I was born, so that adds to the significance of my name. Interestingly, the name Christina is the 133rd most popular first name. When I lived in New York, I went by the nickname Tina. When my family moved to North Carolina my mom told me that I could decide what I wanted to be called in school and I decided to go by my full name. Some of my family members still call me Tina though.

My middle name is also significant because it connects me to my ancestors on my mother's father's mother's side of the family. My great grandmother's maiden name was Colbert and my grandfather passed the name on to my mother who passed it on to me. I plan on passing it on to my child as well. The name Colbert has English origins.